ignoramus 20160414.709(in MELPA)
Ignore backups, build files, et al.






そこで ignoramus.el を使って、それらを統一してしまいましょう。


  • 無視すべき対象の設定がものすごく多い
  • 多くのパッケージに対応している
  • 新しいパッケージに簡単に対応させられる


以下の設定を ~/.emacs.d/init.el の

(setq package-archives
      '(("gnu" . "http://elpa.gnu.org/packages/")
        ("melpa" . "http://melpa.org/packages/")
        ("org" . "http://orgmode.org/elpa/")))


M-x package-install ignoramus


M-x package-install package-utils (初めてアップグレードする場合のみ)
M-x package-utils-upgrade-by-name ignoramus


(ignoramus-setup) を実行すると、以下の変数が設定されます。

  • ファイル名補完
    • completion-ignored-extensions
  • vc
    • vc-directory-exclusion-list
  • grep
    • grep-find-ignored-files
    • grep-find-ignored-directories
  • shell
    • shell-completion-fignore
  • comint
    • comint-completion-fignore
  • nav
    • nav-boring-file-regexps
  • ido
    • ido-ignore-directories
    • ido-ignore-files
  • eshell
    • eshell-cmpl-file-ignore
    • eshell-cmpl-dir-ignore
  • dired
    • dired-garbage-files-regexp
    • dired-omit-extensions
    • dired-omit-files
  • projectile
    • projectile-ignored-extension-p 関数を定義
  • speedbar
    • speedbar-directory-unshown-regexp
    • speedbar-file-unshown-regexp
  • pcomplete
    • pcomplete-dir-ignore
    • pcomplete-file-ignore


ignoramus-do-ignore-ACTION 関数を定義し、
ignoramus-known-actions にACTIONを追加します。

(require 'ignoramus)
(defun ignoramus-do-ignore-ACTION ()
  (setq ACTION-directory-exclusion-list ignoramus-file-basename-exact-names))
(push 'ACTION ignoramus-known-actions)

関数の内容は M-x find-function
ignoramus-do-ignore-vc などの定義を参考にしてください。




(push ".hoge" 'ignoramus-file-basename-endings)


(defcustom ignoramus-file-basename-endings
    ".386"                                    ; compiled binary
    ".a"                                      ; compiled binary
    ".acn"                                    ; latex
    ".acr"                                    ; latex
    ".alg"                                    ; latex
    ".ap_"                                    ; android
    ".apk"                                    ; android
    "_archive"                                ; emacs org-mode
    ".asv"                                    ; matlab
    "-autoloads.el"                           ; emacs package.el
    ".aux"                                    ; latex
    ".bak"                                    ; generic
    ".bbl"                                    ; bibtex
    ".beam"                                   ; erlang
    ".bin"                                    ; compiled binary
    ".blg"                                    ; bibtex
    ".cgo1.go"                                ; go
    ".cgo2.c"                                 ; go
    ".chi"                                    ; haskell
    ".chi.h"                                  ; haskell
    ".class"                                  ; java compiled
    ".com"                                    ; compiled binary
    ".cp"                                     ; texinfo
    ".cps"                                    ; texinfo
    ".d64fsl"                                 ; LISP
    ".dcu"                                    ; delphi
    ".dep"                                    ; make
    ".dex"                                    ; android
    ".dfsl"                                   ; LISP
    ".dll"                                    ; compiled binary
    ".drc"                                    ; delphi
    ".drv"                                    ; compiled binary
    ".dvi"                                    ; latex
    ".dx32fsl"                                ; LISP
    ".dx64fsl"                                ; LISP
    ".dxl"                                    ; LISP
    ".dylib"                                  ; compiled binary
    ".ear"                                    ; java
    ".elc"                                    ; emacs
    ".esproj"                                 ; espresso
    "-Ex.R"                                   ; R
    ".exe"                                    ; compiled binary
    ".fas"                                    ; LISP
    ".fasl"                                   ; LISP
    ".fdb_latexmk"                            ; latex
    ".fmx"                                    ; oracle
    ".fn"                                     ; texinfo
    ".fns"                                    ; texinfo
    ".fsl"                                    ; LISP
    ".fx32fsl"                                ; LISP
    ".fx64fsl"                                ; LISP
    ".gcda"                                   ; gcov
    ".gcno"                                   ; gcov
    ".gcov"                                   ; gcov
    ".glg"                                    ; latex
    ".glo"                                    ; latex
    ".gls"                                    ; latex
    ".gmo"                                    ; gettext
    ".hi"                                     ; haskell
    ".identcache"                             ; delphi
    ".ilg"                                    ; latex
    ".ilk"                                    ; visualstudio
    ".iml"                                    ; intellij
    ".ind"                                    ; latex
    ".ipr"                                    ; intellij
    ".ist"                                    ; latex
    ".iws"                                    ; intellij
    ".jar"                                    ; java
    ".ky"                                     ; texinfo
    ".kys"                                    ; texinfo
    ".la"                                     ; libtool
    ".lai"                                    ; libtool
    ".launch"                                 ; eclipse
    ".lbin"                                   ; compiled binary
    ".lib"                                    ; LISP
    ".lnk"                                    ; ms-windows
    ".lo"                                     ; libtool
    ".lock"                                   ; generic
    ".lof"                                    ; latex
    ".lot"                                    ; latex
    ".lx32fsl"                                ; LISP
    ".lx64fsl"                                ; LISP
    ".maf"                                    ; latex
    ".mem"                                    ; LISP
    ".min.js"                                 ; minified js
    "-min.js"                                 ; minified js
    ".mmx"                                    ; oracle
    ".mo"                                     ; gettext
    ".moved-aside"                            ; xcode
    ".mtc"                                    ; latex
    ".mtc0"                                   ; latex
    ".nav"                                    ; latex
    ".nlo"                                    ; latex
    ".o"                                      ; compiled binary
    ".obj"                                    ; compiled binary
    ".opensdf"                                ; visualstudio
    ".orig"                                   ; patch
    ".p64fsl"                                 ; LISP
    ".pdfsync"                                ; latex
    ".pfsl"                                   ; LISP
    ".pg"                                     ; texinfo
    ".pgs"                                    ; texinfo
    ".pid"                                    ; various
    ".pidb"                                   ; monodevelop
    ".plt"                                    ; erlang
    ".plx"                                    ; oracle
    ".pot"                                    ; django
    ".psess"                                  ; visualstudio
    ".Publish.xml"                            ; visualstudio
    ".pyc"                                    ; python
    ".pyd"                                    ; python
    ".pydevproject"                           ; eclipse
    ".pyo"                                    ; python
    ".rbc"                                    ; ruby
    ".rej"                                    ; patch
    ".sassc"                                  ; sass
    ".scc"                                    ; visualstudio
    ".sdf"                                    ; visualstudio
    ".seed"                                   ; node
    ".sln.docstates"                          ; visualstudio
    ".slo"                                    ; compiled binary
    ".snm"                                    ; latex
    ".so"                                     ; shared library
    ".sparcf"                                 ; LISP
    ".sublime-project"                        ; sublimetext
    ".sublime-workspace"                      ; sublimetext
    ".suo"                                    ; visualstudio
    ".swo"                                    ; vim
    ".swp"                                    ; vim
    ".sx32fsl"                                ; LISP
    ".sx64fsl"                                ; LISP
    ".synctex.gz"                             ; latex
    ".ttc"                                    ; template toolkit
    ".tfm"                                    ; latex
    ".tmproj"                                 ; textmate
    ".tmproject"                              ; textmate
    ".toc"                                    ; latex
    ".tp"                                     ; texinfo
    ".tps"                                    ; texinfo
    ".ufsl"                                   ; LISP
    ".un~"                                    ; vim
    ".vr"                                     ; texinfo
    ".vrb"                                    ; latex
    ".vrs"                                    ; texinfo
    ".vsp"                                    ; visualstudio
    ".vspscc"                                 ; visualstudio
    ".vssscc"                                 ; visualstudio
    ".vxd"                                    ; ms-windows driver
    ".war"                                    ; java
    ".wx32fsl"                                ; LISP
    ".wx64fsl"                                ; LISP
    ".x86f"                                   ; LISP
    ".xdy"                                    ; latex
    ".zwc"                                    ; zsh
    "~"                                       ; emacs
;;  ".fmt"                                    ; latex
;;  ".idx"                                    ; latex
;;  ".log"                                    ; database
;;  ".out"                                    ; latex
;;  ".map"                                    ; various
;;  ".ln"                                     ; ms-windows
  "List of file endings to ignore.

These are not regular expressions, but literal strings which
occur at the ends of file names to ignore."
  :type '(repeat string)
  :group 'ignoramus-patterns)

(defcustom ignoramus-file-basename-beginnings
    ".#"                                   ; emacs
    "core."                                ; unix
    "._"                                   ; thumbnails
    "_cgo_export."                         ; go
  "List of file beginnings to ignore.

These are not regular expressions, but literal strings which
occur at the beginnings of file or directory names to ignore.

The string to match comprises only the last element of a
fully-qualified pathname."
  :type '(repeat string)
  :group 'ignoramus-patterns)

(defcustom ignoramus-file-basename-exact-names
    "$RECYCLE.BIN"                         ; ms-windows
    ".AppleDouble"                         ; OS X
    ".DS_Store"                            ; OS X
    ".DocumentRevisions-V100"              ; OS X
    ".LSOverride"                          ; OS X
    ".Rhistory"                            ; R
    ".Spotlight-V100"                      ; OS X
    ".TemporaryItems"                      ; OS X
    ".Trashes"                             ; OS X
    ".actionScriptProperties"              ; actionscript
    ".apt_generated"                       ; gwt
    ".bdfcache.el"                         ; emacs ps-bdf
    ".build"                               ; perl
    ".buildpath"                           ; eclipse
    ".builds"                              ; visualstudio
    ".bzr"                                 ; bazaar
    ".cdv"                                 ; codeville
    ".classpath"                           ; eclipse
    ".com.apple.timemachine.donotpresent"  ; OS X
    ".com.apple.timemachine.supported"     ; OS X
    ".coverage"                            ; python
    ".cproject"                            ; eclipse
    ".directory"                           ; KDE
    ".dropbox"                             ; dropbox
    ".dropbox.cache"                       ; dropbox
    ".emacs-places"                        ; emacs saveplace
    ".emacs.desktop"                       ; emacs desktop.el
    ".emacs.desktop.lock"                  ; emacs desktop.el
    ".eunit"                               ; erlang
    ".externalToolBuilders"                ; eclipse
    ".flexProperties"                      ; actionscript
    ".fseventsd"                           ; OS X
    ".git"                                 ; git
    ".hg"                                  ; mercurial
    ".idea"                                ; various
    ".idlwave"                             ; emacs idlwave
    ".ido.last"                            ; emacs ido-mode
    ".kkcrc"                               ; emacs kkc Kana Kanji converter
    ".last_cover_stats"                    ; perl
    ".lein-deps-sum"                       ; leiningen
    ".loadpath"                            ; eclipse
    ".netrwhist"                           ; vim
    ".notes"                               ; emacs org-mode / remember.el
    ".org-id-locations"                    ; emacs org-mode
    ".pc"                                  ; quilt
    ".project"                             ; eclipse
    ".projectile"                          ; emacs projectile
    ".prove"                               ; perl
    ".puppet-bak"                          ; puppet
    ".quickurls"                           ; emacs quickurl
    ".recentf"                             ; emacs recentf
    ".redcar"                              ; redcar
    ".rspec"                               ; rails
    ".sass-cache"                          ; sass
    ".scala_dependencies"                  ; scala
    ".shadow_todo"                         ; emacs shadowfile
    ".shadows"                             ; emacs shadowfile
    ".strokes"                             ; emacs strokes.el
    ".svn"                                 ; subversion
    ".timelog"                             ; emacs timeclock
    ".todo-do"                             ; emacs todo-mode
    ".todo-done"                           ; emacs todo-mode
    ".todo-top"                            ; emacs todo-mode
    ".tox"                                 ; python
    ".type-break"                          ; emacs type-break
    ".vip"                                 ; emacs viper-mode
    ".viper"                               ; emacs viper-mode
    ".wmncach.el"                          ; emacs WoMan
    ".yardoc"                              ; yard
    "_MTN"                                 ; monotone
    "__history"                            ; delphi
    "_bdfcache.el"                         ; emacs ps-bdf
    "_build"                               ; perl
    "_cgo_defun.c"                         ; go
    "_cgo_gotypes.go"                      ; go
    "_darcs"                               ; darcs
    "_obj"                                 ; go
    "_sgbak"                               ; vault
    "_site"                                ; jekyll
    "_test"                                ; go
    "_testmain.go"                         ; go
    "_yardoc"                              ; yard
    "aclocal.m4"                           ; automake
    "auto-save-list"                       ; emacs
    "autom4te.cache"                       ; autoconf
    "bin-debug"                            ; various
    "bin-release"                          ; various
    "blib"                                 ; perl
    "build"                                ; various
    "Build"                                ; various
    "Build.bat"                            ; perl
    "COMMIT_EDITMSG"                       ; git
    "cmake_install.cmake"                  ; cmake
    "CMakeCache.txt"                       ; cmake
    "CMakeFiles"                           ; cmake
    "cover_db"                             ; perl
    "cscope.csd"                           ; cscope
    "cscope.files"                         ; cscope
    "cscope.inc"                           ; cscope
    "cscope.lst"                           ; cscope
    "cscope.out"                           ; cscope
    "cscope.out.po"                        ; cscope
    "cscope.tmplist"                       ; cscope
    "CVS"                                  ; CVS
    "Debug"                                ; various
    "debug"                                ; various
    "depcomp"                              ; automake
    "DerivedData"                          ; xcode
    "Desktop.ini"                          ; ms-windows
    "ehthumbs.db"                          ; ms-windows
    "GHI_ISSUE"                            ; git ghi
    "git-rebase-todo"                      ; git
    "gwt-unitCache"                        ; gwt
    "gwt_bree"                             ; gwt
    "install-sh"                           ; automake
    "install_manifest.txt"                 ; cmake
    "InstalledFiles"                       ; ruby
    "Makefile.in"                          ; automake
    "Makefile.old"                         ; perl
    "MCVS"                                 ; meta-CVS
    "META.yml"                             ; perl
    "MERGE_MSG"                            ; git
    "minimal-session-saver-data.el"        ; emacs minimal-session-saver
    "MYMETA.yml"                           ; perl
    "nbbuild"                              ; netbeans
    "nbdist"                               ; netbeans
    "nosetests.xml"                        ; python
    "nytprof"                              ; perl
    "nytprof.out"                          ; perl
    "perltidy.ERR"                         ; perl
    "pm_to_blib"                           ; perl
    "Profile"                              ; various
    "profile"                              ; various
    "RCS"                                  ; RCS
    "Release"                              ; various
    "release"                              ; various
    "SCCS"                                 ; SCCS
    "Session.vim"                          ; vim
    "slprj"                                ; matlab
    "SQUASH_MSG"                           ; git
    "TAGS"                                 ; ctags/etags
    "TAG_EDITMSG"                          ; git
    "tags"                                 ; ctags/etags
    "TestResult"                           ; visualstudio
    "testresult"                           ; visualstudio
    "Thumbs.db"                            ; ms-windows
    "tmtags"                               ; textmate
    "xcuserdata"                           ; xcode
    "xhtml-loader.rnc"                     ; emacs nxhtml
    "{arch}"                               ; arch - todo is this correct?
    "~.dep"                                ; xcode
    "~.dot"                                ; xcode
    "~.nib"                                ; xcode
    "~.plst"                               ; xcode
    "test.out"                             ; generic testing
    "test_out"                             ; generic testing
    "test.output"                          ; generic testing
    "test_output"                          ; generic testing
  "List of exact filenames to ignore.

These are not regular expressions, but literal strings which
exactly match a file or directory name to ignore.

The string to match comprises only the last element of a
fully-qualified pathname."
  :type '(repeat string)
  :group 'ignoramus-patterns)

(defcustom ignoramus-file-basename-regexps
    "\\`#.*#\\'"                           ; emacs
    "\\`.*\\.mex[^.]*\\'"                  ; matlab
    "\\`Icon.?\\'"                         ; OS X thumbnails
    "\\`\\..*\\.sw[a-z]\\'"                ; vim
    "\\`\\.yas.*\\.el\\'"                  ; emacs yasnippet
    "\\`\\..*~undo-tree~\\'"               ; emacs undo-tree
    "\\`bzr_log\\.[[:alnum:]]+\\'"         ; emacs
    "\\`hg-editor-[[:alnum:]]+\\.txt\\'"   ; emacs
    "\\`svn-commit\\.tmp\\'"               ; emacs
    "\\`zshecl[0-9]+\\'"                   ; zsh
    "\\`bash-fc-[0-9]+\\'"                 ; bash
    "\\.\\(BACKUP\\|LOCAL\\|BASE\\|REMOTE\\)\\.[0-9]\\{3,\\}" ; git
  "List of regexps matching filenames to ignore.

The string to match comprises only the last element of a
fully-qualified pathname."
  :type '(repeat regexp)
  :group 'ignoramus-patterns)

設定 150219065230.ignoramus.el(以下のコードと同一)

(require 'dired-x)
(require 'ignoramus)


$ wget http://rubikitch.com/f/150219065230.ignoramus.el
$ emacs -Q -f package-initialize -l 150219065230.ignoramus.el

